Thursday, November 24, 2005

The struggle must go on!

The brutal murder of Maniappan Raman Kutty, an employee of the Border Roads Organisation, by the Taliban in Afghanistan is yet another example of how a warped vision of the world can try to drown out the legitimate concerns for development and progress of the people. The Taliban's sole aim seems to have become the overthrow of the Hamid Karzai administration, and the reversion of the Afghan state back to the Dark Ages. In this process, if innocents die, merely because they did the unforgivable deed of assisting the current Afghan government in dispensing its duties, well that's fair, because this is war.
But, it really isn't fair. If you have an issue with Karzai, talk with him, or even declare an open war on him, and resolve the matter once and for all. Don't slowly and steadily corrode the nation for which even you profess love and affection. Don't harm those whose intentions are noble, who only desire to assist your people in their aim to progress, to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the rest of the world. They don't seek to take sides in your struggle, they don't care who rules the State, so long as they can go about their job of helping the people smoothly. These are the basic expectations from those who seek to help your people.
And, whilst I write this, I am cognizant that somewhere down there, even I am reconciled to the fact that we are speaking to a wall. That those who seek to harm, harm not because of ideological persuasions, but out of sheer animosity, a despicable desire to undo all the good that can be accrued out of development and progress. Kutty hasn't died a victim; he has died a matyr; a matyr to the cause of humanity, a hero for the oppressed people of this world, a man who despite all odds persevered to assist those who were related to him, not by blood, but the holiest of all relations, by their humanity. His death must not go in vain. His deeds must live on. The struggle must go on.


humbl devil said...

my salutations for your commendable thoughts on the matter...

Sunil Natraj said...

I have to agree with you on this. Nice post.

But I cant help but wonder if these same "insurgents" in Iraq can be classified in the same manner. The Iraq war is a classic illustration of A David vs Goliath battle of the modern era, where history shall not repeat itself. That leaves David with no other option than throwing stones at the army, which he considers to be constituted by the whole kingdom.

Vivek said...

H.D. Thank you for your compliments.

Sunil: I agree with your analysis of the Iraq issue at large. The Iraqi people have the unviolable right to self-determination, and to reject quislings left and right. There's no denying this. But as regards history not repeating itself, I really would to point out the relativity of the stands. The 'freedom-fighters' may contend that they are the Davids in this fight faced with the Goliath of foreign occupation; at the same time, the incumbent government may term itself the David in the conflict, being troubled by the Philistines, i.e. the belligerent rebels. In the end, history is written by the victors. But no struggle, no matter how earth-shaking its consequences may be, justifies the shedding of innocent blood. Freedom bought at the cost of innocence and humanity is a charade, a mockery, and best left unsecured.

Anonymous said...

good post reddy.

About your comment, I think if America left now, Iraq qill go the Afghan-Taliban way. More on that , later.

ankurindia said...

i hope one day world will get rid from terror and wars

ankurindia said...

i hope one day world will get rid from terror and wars

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