Sunday, May 27, 2007


What is life? Grains of sand, slowly but steadily, slipping from our grasp until such time that our hands would be left empty to show us that our time on this earth is over? Or the tranquil flow of the waters of a river, coursing towards some faraway ocean, never bothering to turn back and look at what she leaves behind? Is it the soft light of the moon, resplendent and glorious in all her beauty?

Perhaps we are living in an illusion, from which we do not wish to wake up. We wish to deny ourselves the realization that we are really dreaming, and all that we believe to be true will just vanish when our eyes open. There are so many things that we believe ourselves to have lost, scarcely realizing that it is hardly possible to lose something that one never had in the first place. Love, affection, and time are not things that one can ever hold back. And yet, we say that we lost them, due to either our negligence or our apathy, as the case may be. Maybe we lose the opportunity to do things our way, but regrets are all that remain.

Those few who read this blog on a somewhat regular basis would be puzzled as to why I have chosen this topic. I know not. Call me possessed, or disturbed, but when the heart commands, the mind must bow to its diktats.


Seshadri said... is hardly possible to lose something that one never had in the first true..and yes, there are many a times, when it all seems an illusion.but realising this itself is no less than the ultimate actualization.

The Devil's Paradise....... said...

reddy.... i have this very radical theory...... donno when i will put it up in my blog......
plan to write a book..
intelluctual rubbish......
and yaa the idea on life are somewhat the same.. but with loads of comedy......

Vivek said...

Seshadri: Am glad you concur.

Le Diable: Look forward to your masterpiece. And am not as witty as your good self, so couldn't put in as much comedy as may be desired.

I Quote...

Quote of the Day