Sunday, December 09, 2007


Sometimes you love someone with all your heart. You love her so much that you fear losing her company; that you never want her out of your sight. Every day, when you see her, you realize ever so much just how much you love her, and yearn to love her even more so. Her mere sight makes the sun shine ever so brighter; her laughter is like birds chirping in mirth; her eyes like jewels sparkling in the soft moonlight. You want to pamper her, hold her in your embrace for all time, to kiss her sweet brow and just caress her soft tresses, to blow away the locks which fall on her blushing cheeks, to watch her nose wrinkle up o so sweetly when she laughs.

And yet you fear that she might shrink away from so much love. Love is a strange thing. When it isn’t there, it’s like a vacuum, painless, your body numb to any overtures and sensations. And yet when it’s there, it’s like a tornado of emotions, just wanting to destroy all semblance of normalcy, to make you mad and insatiable for affection. And that is a scary moment for anyone. Anyone could feel suffocated in such torrid environs, and yet one hopes that one’s love is strong enough to overcome such a sensation of reluctance.

Image: Rodin's "The Thinker"


Roopali said...

wats with u Reddy?Something's cooking huh?Whose face are you so earnestly wishing to see?Anyways it looks like this piece of article has just flown from your heart to this blog.A very sweet article mirroring your true feelings!

AG said...

u wirting this post makes u in love lolzz
well love lost or love found , love is a always a good n bad experience .
cuaz gr8 writers are born outa tragidies

some of the lines u wrote mimics my emotions and yes the tornado just passed my life n recked it
hopin the best 4 you
keep writing

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