Saturday, January 21, 2006

The dreams of Man

The dreams of Man
Resound in his heart,
Torment him in his days,
And trouble him in his nights.

The dreams of Man
Are foolish thoughts,
Desires for things,
Things beyond his reach,
Things which he may some day have.

The dreams of Man,
Why are they so naive?
Why do they lead him into temptation?
Into purgatory, beyond redemption?

The dreams of Man,
They are the most faithful servants of the Gods,
And the sworn allies of Morpheus
For in them dwells the Genius of Man.

The dreams of Man,
They are the stuff
The heavens are made of.
For in them is the faith of Man,
In them is the Love of Man.

The dreams of Man,
They live on hope,
And this world survives solely,
Because of the dreams of Man.


Anonymous said...

Good shit. Well versed and well written. cranberries.
Read If by Kipling...good shit on dreams...just a line.And you will be a man my son :)

Neeraj said...

Well written and good new look to blog. However, your template needs a little tweaking coz Ida mae, et al are listed in college pals..

I Quote...

Quote of the Day